
Gem to access Riot developer APIs

This project is maintained by DanBradbury

Why LeagueApi?

Riot has recently put out a set of API methods that can be called through a simple request model. Found on the Riot Developer Site.

There are a few other projects that are looking to support the API in ruby already. I recommend checking them out to see if one they are a better fit for you.

I saw these all as large projects up to 60K with many different implementations.

This gem has no dependencies other than Ruby. Allowing for a lightweight and flexible design to support a wide variety of use cases with little to no effort.


The mapping refers to the fact that this gem contains a direct unfiltered call to the Riot APIs to allow the flexibility to fetch exactly what you want and need. Every API method is available directly from the Riot specified categories (Game, Champion, League, etc)

Reference the gem docs for more information on the exact naming of these calls.

You can also use LeagueApi.available_requests to see a list of requests that are currently available.


In order to properly support many use cases there is some work to be done with the JSON we have access to. Because of this there are a set of convenience methods that we can use.

CDN for Images

Summoner icons, Items, and Champions have all been linked to the ddragon CDN to allow for easy access.

Authors and Contributors

Dan Bradbury (@DanBradbury)

Support or Contact

For more information take a look at the Wiki for more specific use cases.